

Spring 2019 Trends: How To Add New Pieces to Renew Your Existing Wardrobe

Spring 2019 Trends: How To Add New Pieces to Renew Your Existing Wardrobe

Chances are, once the new year is here, you’ll be feeling ready to make some improvements. It’s the time of year to make resolutions, set goals for 2019, and generally create positive change in your life in the areas you feel are deserving of some extra attention. Updating your wardrobe even slightly can revitalize and…

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Keep Good Fashion Circulating

Keep Good Fashion Circulating

One of the key concepts behind myWardrobe is the idea that we can reduce our environmental footprint in one simple way: keeping good fashion in circulation. It’s easy: Download the myWardrobe app and start posting those pieces you no longer like, but someone else will love! Give and exchange clothing with your friends. Bonus points:…

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