
Holiday Mindfulness: Restoring Your Sanity During The Busiest Time of the Year

The holidays are a busy time. From dashing between company parties, family get-togethers and dinners with friends, not to mention trying to fit in the last minute shopping and food prep before the big day, it can be a truly exhausting time for many. So much so that you might find yourself needing a holiday after the holidays.

Like many of you out there, we have a blended family, so while the holidays can feel frantic and overwhelming at times, we also tend to find some downtime when the kids are away with the other parents. During these times, we trade the days of busy kids’ activities and hours of entertainment for some peace and quiet and more restful activities.

If you’re not so lucky and find yourself struggling to grasp some down time of your own, try these tips. They’re sure to restore your sanity!

Remember to Breathe

This is where yoga comes in handy. If you’ve ever tried it, you’ll know that the only way to truly calm yourself is to fill your lungs with deep belly breaths to get as much oxygen into your system as you can. Take a moment to take a deep breath, fill your abdomen, and then exhale that air slowly. Repeat when necessary…

Make Yourself a Cup of Tea

One of the best ways to relax is by making yourself a warm drink and curling up on a cozy chair. Especially when you’re between guests, and kids are running amok, it’s important to squeeze in a few minutes to make yourself a relaxing drink, and flip through a magazine or book in a quiet corner. Life feels better already, right?

Listen to Music

If you were clever, you asked for a pair of noise-cancelling headphones for Christmas. Now is the best time to put them to good use and plug into some relaxing tunes or delve into an inspiring podcast while you have a minute. Tune in, turn up the volume, and you’ve got yourself a few minutes of paradise amidst the mayhem!

Reflect on the Past Year

The holidays are a great time to think about 2018 and remember the good–as well as the not so good–things that happened. It’s impossible to move forward without reflecting on the past. One of the best ways to prepare for the upcoming year is to consider those changes that you want to make to your own life, whether big or small, for 2019. Doing this in a reflective manner will reduce the stress of those New Year’s resolutions that are lurking around the corner. But don’t forget about your closet’s turn for reflection! There’s an app for that, called myWardrobe Online. Simply post your new and gently loved clothes, shoes and accessories of 2018 on myWardrobe Online to make room (and funds) for 2019!

Remember Those Near and Far   

There’s nothing like the holidays to get us thinking about those friends and family that we don’t see often enough. Be sure to take a few minutes and remember those loved ones that you won’t be able to see this year. Technology makes it easier than ever to keep in touch today, so why not reach out across the miles with Skype or Facetime and reconnect with some of those lovely people who have been missing from your day-to-day life. It will make those who are close by feel even more valuable to you.

Regardless of how hectic the holidays may be, it’s important to take a moment or two for yourself so that you can take it all in. Before you know it, the most magical time of the year will be over, so remember … breathe!

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